利记sbo坚信,学生在大学里学到的很多东西都是在课堂之外进行的. 因此, 在尤蒂卡, 学生, 教师, and staff members work side by side to provide a rich variety of social, 文化, 以及娱乐活动. 一个充分参与校园生活的学生可以接触到各种各样的思想和问题, 音乐和艺术形式, 以及生活方式. This is, of course, in addition to simply having a good time.
Utica employs professional staff members to advise 学生 in these matters, 但大学的教职员工都知道,学生积极参与课外活动的规划,为尤蒂卡的活动项目增添了活力,并帮助学生培养和实践领导力, 决策, 以及相关技能.
According to the 利记sbo Student Senate Constitution, 第五条, Section 9: Student 俱乐部 and Organizations, 每个校园社团和组织必须至少有五名学生成员和一名教职员工顾问. 他们必须有存档的宪法,并且必须向参议院提交修改后的宪法. 扶轮社及组织必须更新其组织资讯以保持认可状态并有资格获得资助.
All student groups at 利记sbo are organized and operated by our 学生; therefore, 根据学生的兴趣和参与程度,活动水平每年都有所不同. 在利记sbo校园建立一个新的学生组织是一个相对简单的过程.
The following steps to recognition have been taken from 102规则 of the Bylaws of the Recognition Committee:
(to see a full copy of the Recognition Committee Bylaws, click 在这里)
- 该组织必须至少有五名目前注册的利记sbo本科成员,学术地位良好(2).0+).
- 该组织必须有主席、副主席、秘书、财务主管和网站管理员. The organization may use different names for those 位置s, so long as they have equivalent responsibilities.
- 该组织必须有一名现任利记sbo教职员工的顾问.
- 该组织的章程必须符合这些章程中列出的章程标准,并且不得违反学生参议会章程或其任何章程.
Applicants shall apply online at PioHub to begin the recognition process; the Recognition Committee shall screen 和一个pprove all changes to the online application in a timely manner.
应要求学生组织以这种方式制定其章程, 符合认可委员会所订定的准则. There is a constitution template at the bottom of this page.
Presentation to the Committee:
Once all general and constitutional criteria is fulfilled, the Student Organization will be contacted by the Recognitions Committee; the committee shall invite the organization to present its proposal for recognition, so that the committee may ensure that the organization has met all of the before mentioned criteria; if an organization has met the criteria, 承认委员会应投票决定该建议是否已准备好供立法会听取.
Presentation to the Legislative Assembly:
If the Recognitions Committee determines that the proposal is ready, the Student Organization shall then be required to present a second proposal for recognition to the Legislative Assembly; the Student Organization will be given a date to attend the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly, where their proposal will be approved or denied. 如果得到批准, 学生组织应得到正式承认,并有资格获得学生委员会的资助.
所有认可的组织必须每年通过在PioHub上重新注册向参议院提交修订后的章程. 所有被认可的组织必须确定一名财政代表才能获得资金.
- 这个名字s and e-mail addresses of all members.
- 这个名字, 位置, 部门, 已同意成为你扶轮社顾问的教职员的电子邮件地址及电话号码.
- 您当前章程的电子副本可以上传到PioHub页面.
- A photo or image that represents your organization in some way.
Perks of Being a Recognized Club or Organization on Campus
- 学生政府资助
- PioHub上的门户
- 参加俱乐部 & 组织公平
- 举办活动
- 保留房间
- 发传单
- Org的邮箱
- 校内筹款活动
- Assistance in finding resources
How to Create a Student Club or Organization
Below is a general outline for a student organization constitution:
Article I- Name of Organization
Article II– Purpose of Organization
Article III- Membership Practice
Article IV- Officers and Their Duties
第五条III– Financial Records
When you're ready to register your new club on PioHub, please click 在这里!
有关利记sbo现有学生俱乐部和组织的更多信息, 请联系学生生活和校园活动办公室,电话:(315)792-3037.
学生生活和校园参与办公室提供到沃尔玛和塔吉特的免费班车服务. See schedule below, You do not need a reservation to utilize the shuttle.
When inquiring about traveling for an educational purpose please contact:
Director of Campus Engagement
(Student travel, conference funding, paperwork, 等.)
Students must complete the travel Fund Request Form on Pio Hub.
学生旅游基金的审批标准将由学生自治会财务委员会决定. Criteria will remain in effect until such time as either the SGA, SGA财务委员会, or the 教师 Resource Committee perceive a need to revise them.
- 申请资助的个人必须在利记sbo注册为全日制学生.
- 申请资助的学生必须提交一份申请表,并附上一份书面请求,概述旅行将如何有利于他们的学术发展.
- 每个请求必须附有教师或工作人员的推荐信.
- While attendance at a professional conference or event may be funded, priority will be given to those 学生 who are presenting papers/posters, 担任小组成员, or serving as an officer at a professional conference.
- 学生可以通过学生旅游基金获得资助,也可以通过俱乐部向学生政府协会财务委员会提出的申请获得资助, but may not be funded out of both sources.
- 由学生旅游基金资助的学生被鼓励在校园内向班级或学生团体作演讲, sharing what they learned from the experience.
在专业活动中展示的学生(展示论文或海报)的最高奖金, taking part as a student officer, 等.) is $700 or 80% of your expenses, 取较小者, and may be lower depending upon availability of funds. 参加专业活动的学生可获得的最高金额为300美元或费用的50%, 取较小者, 可能会更低或被拒绝, depending upon availability of funds.
旅行之后, 所有的收据 和一个 completed Travel Expense Voucher 必须在Pio Hub上提交.
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For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit 我们的登录页面.